Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Formula for Financial Freedom

    • Cracking the Rich Code

    • Due Diligence for New Development Projects

    • Property Information Lead Sheet Creative Financing

  3. 3
    • The Black Book: Your guide to the most elite real estate networking experience

  4. 4
    • How to Protect your Asset

  5. 5
    • 1st Coaching Call

    • 1st Coaching Call Summary

  6. 6
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary

  7. 7
    • May 24, 2023 Coaching Call

    • May 24, 2023 - Coaching Call Summary

  8. 8
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary

  9. 9
    • Coaching call with Eric Brewer - June 21, 2023

  10. 10
    • July 13, 2023 Part 1 Coaching Call

    • July 13, 2023 Part 2 Coaching Call

    • July 13, 2023 Part 3 Coaching Call

    • Summary of the Session with Zachary Beach

  11. 11
    • Creative Financing

    • Smart Real Estate Coach - EXPIRED LEAD SCRIPT

    • Smart Real Estate Coach - Commonly Asked Questions

  12. 12
    • August 09, 2023 Coaching Call

    • August 09, 2023 Coaching Call Summary

  13. 13
    • July 26, 2023 Coaching Call

    • Summary of the Session with Marina Hauser

  14. 14
    • August 23, 2023 Coaching Call

    • August 23, 2023 Coaching Call Summary

  15. 15
    • September 13, 2023 Coaching Call

    • September 13, 2023 Coaching Call Summary

  16. 16
    • September 27, 2023 Coaching Call

    • September 27, 2023 Coaching Call Summary

  17. 17
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary

  18. 18
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary Part 1

    • Coaching Call Summary Part 2

  19. 19
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary

  20. 20
    • Coaching Call

    • Coaching Call Summary

  21. 21
    • Cash On Co-Living with Clara Arroyave

  22. 22
    • How to Maximize Profit in Single-Family Properties