Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • What is Creative Financing?

    • Your Guide to This Course

    • How Real Estate Agents can Capitalize on Creative Financing?

  2. 2
    • Intro to the Creative Financing Strategies and Lease Options

    • Seller Financing

    • Subject-To

  3. 3
    • How to Win Negotiations with Sellers for Creative Financing in Real Estate

    • How To Negotiate With Sellers for Creative Financing Deals

    • Scripts for the Commonly Asked Questions

    • Expired List Scripts

    • How to Win Deals through Creative Financing & Seller Financing and Case Studies

    • How to find leads for sellers financing

What They Say About Creative Financing

Great job!

by Marsilda Bialczak

Great job getting into the details of this. Not a lot of videos out there talk about any specifics around creative financing

Well Articulated!


Everything is very well articulated which makes the information as easy as possible for the viewers